
1. What skills have you developed through this module and how effectively do you think you have applied them?

My software skills have continued to develop significantly throughout this module, I’ve started to become much more fluent in using shortcuts and tools to quickly and efficiently get design work done, allowing the development process to speed up.

Personal motivation. - Collection 100 was a 5 week brief allowing us a large period of time to research, experiment and produce. Often with projects as longwinded as this, I wouldn't tend to be as constantly driven as I feel I've been throughtout. My time management skills have strengthened, more often thinking about my work, regularly pursuing ideas and documenting context, trying to not loose enthusiasm and drive.

2. What approaches to/methods of research have you developed and how have they informed your design development process?

My research has taken on a number of different forms this module. I have collected a wide range of secondary sources relevant to the collection 100 brief, informing me of innovative and unusual projects from other artists and designers. Categorising research in to quantitative and qualitative family’s has allowed me to identify where specific research and information is appropriate.
The 'what if' brief was again very research driven, initially following up thorough research into Leeds. Working together in a group we went out to collect primary data from the steets, assigning specific jobs to each member and collating to form a decent bredth of data both quantitative and qualitative. It pushed us to persure an informed and clear direction, stemming off to further secondary research which together ended up directly influencing the design process of the final outcome.

3. What strengths can you identify in your work and how have/will you capitalise on these?

I would consider the simple, direct representation of primarily sourced data as a strength throughout the most recent, collection 100 brief.
I feel I have produced a rather full-bodied amount of work throughout this module, applying a lot of thought and dedication to producing quality design to the best of my ability, in both group and individual projects.
I have kept up to date and continued to collect a thorough amount of research and design context in response to the briefs set throughout OUGD102.

4. What weaknesses can you identify in your work and how will you address these more fully?

Specifically for collection 100, in the initial stages I lacked a concise focus as to the audience my work would be directed at, I felt this almost start to take away an amount of purpose behind the project and at a few points left me in an unsure position. Probably a factor I should treat with higher priority, keeping my designs focused and relevant.

My idea process is still less design sheet driven and more thought based, then translated into digital form. I wouldn’t say this holds my process back in any drastic way as I work well digitally, but revisiting design sheets every so often would probably be beneficial

5. Identify five things that you will do differently next time and what do you expect to gain from doing these?

• Identify my target audience in the earlier stages. This will help me to relate to the user and hopefully deliver my work in more direct and efficient manor.

• Continue to try and up my design sheet mass. Although I work well without the prolific use of design sheets, there is always room for improvement and can only benefit my future processes.

•Further, extensive context research with a higher level of analytical response.

•Make more use of studio and workshop time available to me. Constantly being around college and taking advantage of these facilities will undoubtedly improve my work.

•Continue to re-work projects after the studio deadline, the 'what if' brief for example could have been improved and on considerably given more focus and dedication.

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