
Using a previously vectored image of one of the arcade machines used in an earlier ident experiment, I imported all the images edited in audacity and worked away at combining the two. I initially wanted the arcade machine to mask everything but the screen area, the camera angle to change and zoom into the screen to reveal the title etc. The camera rotation had little to no effect due to the lack of 3d qualities in the vecotr and zooming in from the same angle on the 2D vector just looked generally rubbish.

Overall I'm happy with the effect attained by the multiple glithced images, initially I wanted them to be a lot glitchier but this definitely works as the actual content of the image is still visible and gradually becomes more abstract.

The 'Dave' logo that comes in rather garishly at the end needs to be tweaked. I'm not sure whether it should pop up or just move in smoothly from the left or bottom. Ill have to have a little doodle to see what I'm feeling, also to see what feels most appropriate.

I need to add audio to this example, something I've left untill the end which probably wasn't the best idea however, I do have a growing collection of arcade sounds many of which are between 7-10 seconds long so it shouldn't be a hastle suiting on eup to this ident.

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